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Unified Therapy™

What Can Unified Therapy™ Do For You?

We find there are several types of clients who benefit from Unified Therapy™


Types of Clients:

The first stages of healing are people with:


Pain Disorders, Trauma, and Anxiety- people who have found minimal relief through

traditional or other alternative treatments. Includes people who deal with PTSD, panic

attacks, past abuse, and other emotional pain such as grief or depression.


The advanced stages are the people who are seeking:


Prevention – reversing the process that led to ill health, rebuild what was lost and

rebalance to prevent further ill health. Minimize the accumulative effects of stressors

(ex: from family, work, overwhelming events or diagnoses). Overcome recurring health

problems and avoid unnecessary surgeries.


Lifestyle, Wellness and Higher States of Consciousness – supports those that are

on the spiritual quest who seek purpose, meaning, and more direction in life and

develop tools to address not only the physiological but the psychological aspects of



These advanced stages of Unified Healing Therapy™ aren't just meant for aches and

pains – it has been shown that more frequent visits develop a better brain. Just like

more exercise and good nutrition develops better fitness, a better and more developed

brain opens up new pathways in your brain that give you better coping skills to handle

stress, recover quicker and help the body, mind and brain heal.




How Is Unified Therapy™ Different from Other Healing Therapies?


Client Sessions:

Using a variety of specific and proven techniques to establish the brain-body

connection, in a safe and sacred space, Ricardo guides and supports the client to activate a

natural, systemic Healing Reflex™.


Systemic means the whole body gets involved, including physical structures (i.e. spine,

muscles, tendons) to hormones, neurotransmitters and most importantly, the brain.


This is a key parameter in any significant healing of many diseases and health

conditions including physical, psychological, and emotional conditions previously resistant




The Benefits Of Unified Therapy™ Continued

Early childhood environments shape our brain and body for better or worse. The

facts are that many chronic diseases in adulthood are determined decades earlier by toxic stressful environments [(see the CDC ACE Study) including the likelihood of

experiencing the ten most common causes of death.


It is now becoming alarmingly clear that our current healthcare system needs to be

upgraded to address the effects of early toxic stress exposure and overall lifetime stress

exposure (Allostatic Load)


UNIFIED THERAPY™ is based on the discovery of an entirely new operating system that

allows unprecedented communication into the brain, nervous system and mysterious

higher self


The operating system uses specific sensory and and motor input signals along with

cognitive, mindful attention to rewire the nervous system, positively altering Allostatic

Loads resulting in AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM balance and SUPER

CONSCIOUS or transcended state of mind


The new diagnostic advantages are immense; healing persistent unexplained illness,

pain and disease. Real tools to address not only the psychological effects of toxic

stress, pain and trauma, but for the first time, deeply etched neurological aspects in the

brain and body.


To those on the path of higher learning, seeking truth and knowledge, no single process,

technique or mindful practice could offer more. For the truths that emerge belong to no

technique, method or philosophy. Information about your life, its joys and pain, what

truly made you sick in the first place, how and why you fear, and the answers of how to

get free. Most importantly, it holds the bliss of your own surrender, a peace and grace

that will transcend all understanding


The Enteric Brain Technique

Buried around your gut, or digestive system, is a second brain. The gut brain, also called the Enteric Brain, has a mind of its own. Functioning much like the brain in your head, this system is able to sense and receive impulses. It records and remembers experiences, and responses to all kinds of emotions. Its neurons, or nerve cells, are affected by the same neurotransmitters (tiny protein messengers), as your high brain.


The Enteric Brain Technique, originated and developed by Dr Paul Canali, has allowed

doctors, therapists, and patients to directly affect and balance the Autonomic NervousSystem, or ANS, including the Enteric Brain for the first time by way of somatic or body

centered therapy.


The Enteric Brain Technique is a method of somatic sensory input using specific touch

and biofeedback in conjunction with focused concentration. This type of mindful attention

increases body~brain and brain~Enteric Brain bi-directional communication and feedback.

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Homeostatic Stress Releasing Healing Reflex

What does this look like and what would a client expect to experience during a session?


“As a new client, I had wondered – what was I supposed to do? What was my body

supposed to do? How am I supposed to react? As it turned out, all I needed to do was – let

go, trust, and surrender…”

~ Mary P


Unified Therapy™ is the only known toxic stress, anxiety, and pain therapy that allows

active participation in the healing process and makes people conscious and aware of the

things that generate pain. While a lot of modalities/techniques just deal only with the

physical or the psychological aspects to dampen symptoms, Unified Therapy™

incorporates multiple techniques based on a variety of therapies, teaching you to release all

kinds of physical and emotional pain to promote systemic healing







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