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National Institutes of Health (NIH) studies have shown that acupuncture is an effective treatment alone or in combination with conventional therapies.Small sterile and non- toxic pins or needles are gently inserted in to specific locations or “points'' along Meridian Pathways in the skin and muscle to stimulate sensory nerves branching from the central nervous system in order to elicit pain processing reduction, immune

response, and anti-inflammatory effect. Once the needles are inserted you can expect to rest and relax for 30-40 minutes while stress and tension dissolve bringing the body into healing states. According to Chinese medicine, the Meridians and Pathways carry energy “Qi '', fluids, and nutrients to organs, muscle and tissue essential for human life, like a flowing river transporting water, for an overall well being. When these Meridians become blocked, transport of these critical systems become obstructed causing pain and illness. Highly skilled, trained, and professional Acupuncture Physicians work to unblock and restore the flow of blood and energy to increase the body’s natural ability to correct.


Electro Acupuncture

Electro Acupuncture is a total body therapeutic technique used in orthopedic and sports medicine application that is added through mild currents to the acupoints at specific depths to deliver an electric signal after diagnosis to include palpation of trigger points areas along myofascial regions. This power generates frequencies or signals that elicit analgesic(pain reduction), anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects delivering restorative healing and blood flow. Electro Acupuncture treats and benefits

● Pain and Nerve Disorders

● Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Digestion

● Orthopedic andSports Medicine

● Bell's Palsy

● Sinus Infection

● Reduce Muscle Tension

Elecro Acupunture

Functional Medicine


Functional Medicine therapy is a systematic approach that seeks to find root causes by

completing a detailed questionnaire and finally tuned blood labs to pin point metabolic

dysfunction and manage/prevent chronic disease. A nutritional consult and assessment will be lead to lifestyle and nutritional recommendations along with clinical grade supplementation to guide you towards your overall health goals.

Functional Medicine

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is non invasive traditional Chinese Technique used to relieve muscle, joint, and

tendon pain pain by using a smooth edged gua sha tool, usually made of stone or steel,

to rub and stretch the skin leading to myofacial release. This process detoxifies the lactic

acids and toxins stored under the skin while improving the flow of blood to and lympathtic

drainage. Gua Sha can break down and scar tissue for increase mobility of the joints.

Gua Sha



Cupping is highly sought after modality used that detoxifies and opens up healing in

muscular skelatal, digestive, lymph, myofacial circulatory systems by using formed glass,

silicon, or plastic cups onto specific points to lift the skin via a vacuum effect. This improves

connective and muscle tissue glide and mobility. After applying gliding oils, the cups are left

on the body and can be moved along the lymphatic duct channels to help transport and filter toxins. The area of the body is vertically elevated opening up microcirculation of nerves,

arteries, and veins under the skin to increase dilation and blood flow. The cupping process

can leave marks that disperse in up to 7 days. Most patients feel a significant improvement

of symptoms the same day.


Injection Therapy

Injection Therapy is use in cases where fatigue and and pain can be supported by direct

absorption of nutrients such as B12, Glutathione, C & D Vitamins, as well as other plant and

minerals These compounds act as anti-oxidants and neuro protectants. Homeopathic and

prolotherapy solutions benefit chronic pain and inflammation alleviating muscle, joint, and

connective tissue dysfunction by delivering direct nutrition and lubricating the tissues.

Injection Therapy
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We will contact you within 48 hours to discuss your service request and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal and Botanical Medicine complement and enhance the healing process by using high quality and 100 % natural tested formulas using Chinese and Western herbs. There over 300 common herbs specifically formulated for nutritional support of  conditions by adjusting circulatory, digestive, and musculoskeletal systems. There are mild to no side effects and each formula is  selected according to the body’s current condition and medical history. Herbal consults and treatments are followed up based on the course of your improvement and adjusted as necessary until symptoms and conditions can be sustained.

Herbal Medicine
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